“Nourish and Inspire Yourself in Nature – Play Outside”
FGCV Theme 2023-2025
Our FGCV Photographers Group is open to all Vermont garden club members who would like to share your photographs with us. You can learn from each other.
The purpose of pursuing this venture is to:
recognize garden club members’ talent
promote the appreciation of photography
Our format for 2023-2025:
There will be two display series for 2023-2024 and there will be two display series for 2024-2025
There will be a designated time for entry into our theme display series.
Our format is to have an overall theme for each series to give club members a purpose when taking photos and a reason to perhaps try something new.
The Photography Committee will work to share a photo related to the theme to get you inspired.
We hope you will get excited to submit your photos as they relate to the theme.
Garden Club Members are invited to:
submit a photograph(s) during the twice-a-year display series
see themes and entry details below
submit photos via email or phone text
photo(s)will not be returned
the photos will be reviewed by the Photography Committee
The review information returned to the entry club member will be a positive viewpoint and any critiquing on techniques relative to photography.
Photos will be placed on the FGCV website.
In each series, the following photographs will be acknowledged with a gift to the club member’s garden club in the following categories:
Overall Best
Honorable Mention
Best Theme

February - March 2025
Theme "Beauty of Winter"
Submission Dates: February 1 - March 15th
Open to all garden club members
Send your photo to Doris Van Mullen (djvanmullen@gmail.com)
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners selected by an expert. Each winning photographer will receive $25 for your club.
Previous Themes
October 2023
Theme – “Fall in its Glory” – a photo with yellow/orange in the photo
See the Winners
April 2024
Theme – “Spring Unfolds its Beauty” a photo with blue and green in the photo
October 2024
Theme – “Autumn Crisp Surprises” - a photo with brilliant changing fall colors &/or bountiful harvest
Nature Themes
Flowers – floral, tree, horticulture photography in any form
Landscapes — photos that capture elements of nature, the natural features of land, sky and water. Photographs of scenery, such as farm fields, orchards and gardens, landscape with buildings.
February 2025
“Beauty of Winter Nature up Close” – a photo with winter images TBA
Deadline: February 28, 2025
Photography Details: Submit original-size photos
Submit Electronically: Doris Van Mullen (djvanmullen@gmail.com)

Practice with your phone camera, take a photo of a single flower, close up. Samples below Carolyn Bates has taken on tours, in her garden, and in the Wheeler Park Gardens.
You do not need to have the entire flower in the photo
It is best to have even light on the flower instead of bright sunshine
Look right at the flower from above or from the side
Try several angles
The hour at sunrise or sunset, on a cloudy day, a rainy day, will work well
Try editing on your phone, try lots of different things

Here are some things to think about while taking photos. Is there a focal point and is it in focus? Is there anything in the photo, e.g., in the background, that is detracting from the focal point? Do landscapes have a foreground, middle ground and background? Are the colors vibrant or are they washed out or too dark? Is there a good range between light and dark areas? Is the photo straight or crooked? Many photos can be improved by judicious cropping. Try taking photos from many different angles, in different lighting conditions, from different distances, and up close and closer still. Experiment and have fun!